venerdì 7 giugno 2013



At come preposizione di luogo indica che qualcosa o qualcuno è "in prossimità di", "vicino a".

At the traffic lights
At the bus stop
At the door
At the window
At her desk

Inoltre indica anche "all'inizio" o "alla fine" di qualcosa, ad esmpio un libro o una pagina.

At the top of the page
At the bottom of the page
At the end of the street.

Ecco alcuni esempi con At:

  • The teacher is working at her desk.
  • The cars are waiting at the traffic lights.
  • David is at the bus stop.
  • There is somebody at the door.
  • He is standing at the window.
  • My name was at the top of the list.
  • Her house is at the end of the street.
  • You have to write your name at the top of the page.

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