venerdì 23 marzo 2012

present perfect

Present Perfect

Exemple situations:
Lucy is looking for her wallet because she can't find it.
She has lost her wallet. (we don't know when. She lost it and she still hasn't got it)
Lucy, where is your wallet? I don't know. I've lost it. Have you seen it?

Quando usiamo il Present Perfect c'è sempre una relazine con il presente. L'azione avvenuta nel passato ha un risultato ora. Infatti Lucy ha perso il suo portafoglio e quindi ora non ce l'ha.

Where is Sue? She has gone out. (il risultato è che lei ora non è qui)

Altre frasi:
My aunt has been retired for more than three years.
Their cat has been missing for more than two days.
It has been very cold lately.
Have you ever been to England?
How long have you been married?
So there you are! Where have you been?
I have been to a party.

I have been away.
I have been out.
I have been home.
(and now I am here)

Where has he gone?
He has gone out.
(he is not here now)

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