mercoledì 18 aprile 2012


Каждый человек несет ответственность перед всеми людьми за всех людей и за все.
Федор Михайлович Достоевский

Ognuno è responsabile per tutte le persone e per tutto.
Fëdor Michajlovič Dostoevskij

mercoledì 4 aprile 2012


Easter in England

Easter is the oldest and the most important Christian Festival. It is the time when we remember the death and coming to life again of Jesus Christ. For Christians, Easter Sunday with its message of new life is the high point of the Christian year.
Easter is the story of Jesus' last days in Jerusalem before his death.When we speak about Maundy Thursday we mean the Last supper of Jesus, Good Friday was the day on which Jesus was crucified and Easter Day was the day on which Jesus came back to life.
Jesus was killed, but He came back to life and visited his followers once more. He did not die at all, but went to Heaven to be with God, his father.
Easter Eggs
For Christians the custom of giving eggs at Easter celebrates new life. Christians remember that Jesus, after dying on the cross, rose from the dead. They believe that, through his resurrection, Jesus defeated death and sin and offered people the promise of eternal life if they follow his teachings.
The first eggs given at Easter were birds eggs. They were painted in bright colours to give them further meaning as a gift. We still paint bird eggs today but usually only chicken eggs.

What happens on Easter Sunday today in England?
Some Christians gather together on Easter Sunday for a Sunrise Service which takes place on a hill side so everyone can see the sun rise. Some of them take part in an Easter vigil, lighting a new fire outside the church early on Sunday morning. The Paschal candle may be lit from the fire and carried into the church where it is used to light the candles of the worshippers. The Easter Eucharist is a joyful service. It is a popular time for baptisms.
Some churches have an Easter Garden. A stone is placed across the mouth of a tomb before Easter, then rolled away on Easter morning.
Easter Sunday in England
On Easter Sunday, peole usually get up early. Families join other families on a hill to watch the sun rise. Then they have breakfast with the other families. After breakfast they all go to church for a service to celebrate Jesus rising from the dead. Afterwards, at home, everyone gives each other chocolate eggs. Children in England get big ones filled with sweets. For dinner (dinner is the main meal, it is not necessarily "cena", but it can take place at 12:00 or at 2 o'clock) peple cook roast lamb. After dinner, parents hide small chocolate eggs in the garden for children, who have to find them. Later in the afternoon, aunts, uncles and cousins gather for a cup of tea. They have a special Easter Cake for tea.
Easter at school
At school children usually have an Easter competition. They design and make colourful hats on the theme of Easter and Spring. They also have an egg hunt. Small chocolate eggs are hidden around the school and children try to find them.
They have two weeks off school when it is Easter. They finish school a few days before the Easter weekend.
On Good Friday, women toast Hot Cross Buns for tea. They are a special find of cakes.

Foods traditionally eaten at Easter time

Hot Cross Buns are traditionally served on Good Friday.
A Hot Cross Bun is a rich, spiced tea cake.
On Easter day people eat special food.
Boiled eggs are traditionally served at breakfast.
Roast lamb is the traditional meat for the main meal on Easter Day.
Simnel cake is baked for tea. It is a fruit cake with a flat layer of marzipan (sugar almond paste) on top and decorated with 11 marzipan balls representing the 12 apostles minus Judas, who betrayed Christ.