sabato 31 dicembre 2011

С Новым годом! Пусть все Ваши Мечты осуществятся!

giovedì 29 dicembre 2011

italiano L2

Per chi si occupa dell'insegnamento dell'Italiano agli stranieri un utile link:

Christmas pudding


If you want to know something about English Christmas, read this paragraph.

At the start of the month of December British send Christmas cards to friends and familiy. Then they put up the Christmas decorations and a Christmas tree in the living room.
On Christmas Eve, December 24th, children go carol singing with other people from their village. Carols are songs they sing at Christmas. They sing outside people's houses and they collect money for charity.
At bedtime children usually hang up their Christmas stockings, because they believe that Father Christmas comes and fills the stockings with presents in the night. They go to church for Midnight Mass. On Christmas day they open their stockings and presents in the morning and they have lunch at about two o'clock. At the table they all pull crackers and wear paper hats. They eat roast turkey, roast potatoes and lots of different vegetables. For dessert they have Christmas pudding or mince pies. December 26th is Boxing Day. It is a holiday.